Vince Nelson | Managing Partner

Vince grew up in the Highland Park area of Dallas, Texas. With a family mix of half artists and half bankers, Vince had the benefit of enjoying both worlds. At UNT, he majored in Vocal Performance and used that degree in the performing arts. Vince also found his passion for leadership and business and working in banking. Eventually he found his ultimate passion was helping people plan for their future.

Prior to co-founding Arno Wealth, LLC., Vince’s work experience centered around executive leadership at both for profit and not for profit corporations which included Bank of America, Fidelity Investments, and several churches, as an executive and senior pastor. Having been a business leader for decades, Vince has learned that being able to help people with only one part of their wealth building plan can lead to serious gaps in their financial plans. It takes a comprehensive, holistic approach to create a solid plan that looks at all aspects of wealth building, asset protection and tax planning strategies. Through his tireless efforts he has been recognized with a multitude of prestigious awards including, Fort Worth’s Hometown Hero for outstanding philanthropic work and one of Fidelity Investments Top Advisors.

When Vince isn’t helping client’s build better futures, he can be found traveling and backpacking the world. He and his wife have climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa, hiked the Annapurna Circuit in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal, and backpacked the Kalalau Trail in Kauai, Hawaii. Additionally, he and his wife co-authored a hiking guidebook titled “The Kalalau Trail Guidebook: Hiking to Eden” and  a relationships book titled “The Truth and Love Journey: Experiencing the Secrets of Life-Giving Relationships.”  Vince is also the author of “Child of the King,” that chronicles his personal journey on discovering the incredible value and worth that each person already possesses.

Having five adult children and five grandchildren, Vince loves spending time with family and building his own legacy.

Vince is grateful for your consideration to join the Arno Wealth, LLC family, where building your wealth and legacy through skill and integrity is our passion.